Sunday 8 September 2024

Rain showers a calm winds during the morning, built to a strong north-westerly. This grounded a good number of phyllsocs with 100 Chiffchaffs and 37 Willow Warblers logged alongside a Pied Flycatcher, 11 Spotted Flycatchers, eight Goldcrests, two Whitethroats and four Blackcaps. Overhead 111 Swallows passed with six Tree Pipits and two Grey Wagtails over. 

Waders grounded by the rain included three Knots, ten Redshanks, four Sanderlings and seven Common Sandpipers with 65 White Wagtails around the Narrows and South End and a Merlin over the Mountain.

After dark a trip out dazzling produced nine Ringed Plovers, two Whimbrels, a Redshank, a Common Sandpiper, a Dunlin and a Purple Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper © Ed Betteridge

Whimbrel © Ed Betteridge

Dunlin © Ed Betteridge

Ringed Plover © Ed Betteridge

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