Friday 11 October 2024

A calm westerly with clear skies allowed for some good bird migration; a mobile Richard's Pipit was briefly on the South End with a Brambling and 'Flava' Wagtail over, a Ring Ouzel was in the Wetlands, a Yellow-browed Warbler and the ringed Reed Warbler were in Cristin Withy and off the West Coast 14 Mediterranean Gulls, 105 Black-headed Gulls, 20 Common Gulls and two Sandwich Terns went south during the morning. The day ended with three Whooper Swans in from the north-west before briefly landing on the sea before continuing south-east and a Short-eared Owl on the Narrows after dark. 

Other birds of note were 15 Common Scoters, three Buzzards, three Merlins, three Sparrowhawks, two Kestrel, a Water Rail, two Snipe, a Whimbrel, seven Guillemots, 434 Razorbills, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, five White Wagtails, 37 Robins, 14 Redwings, four Blackcaps, 30 Goldcrests, 13 Chiffchaffs, 38 Choughs, four Rooks, 47 Chaffinches, 27 Goldfinches, six Siskins, four Lesser Redpolls and a Reed Bunting

Buzzard © Ed Betteridge

Whooper Swans © Ed Betteridge

Linnet © Ed Betteridge

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