Thursday 10 October 2024

It was a chilly day with moderate northerly winds and light rain showers. A Merlin was seen on the South End, a Common Gull was in Henllwyn, and two Water Rails were recorded. Two Grey Herons and 18 Mallards were also seen, and 41 Choughs were counted on the island, with flock numbers fluctuating daily. Wader numbers totalled at 41 Oystercatchers, a Whimbrel, two Curlews, ten Redshanks, and 38 Turnstones, as well as a Snipe on the South End. 

Migrant passerine highlights came in the form of a Ring Ouzel on the Mountain near Cristin, and a Fiercest was seen at Nant. Other species included five Skylarks, 18 Swallows, 94 Meadow Pipits, two 'alba' wagtails, 32 Robins, four Wheatears, nine Blackbirds, four Song Thrushes, 44 Redwings, a Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs, four Goldcrests, a Spotted Flycatcher seen again at Cristin, six Starlings, a Chaffinch, four Goldfinches, 43 Siskins, 19 Linnets and three Reed Buntings

In other news, the was marked by the birth of the 70th Grey Seal pup of this record-breaking season! The team also joined a work party of Bardsey Island Trust staff and volunteers to coppice the Willow trees in the northern section of Cristin Withy to open the area up and lower the vegetation for mist netting. 

Grey Seal with pup © Ed Betteridge

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