Thursday 3 October 2024

Calmer easterlies with clear skies turned to a calm south-east during the afternoon. Out to sea four Wigeons, 25 Common Scoter, seven Mediterranean Gulls, 36 Black-headed Gulls, 26 Kittiwakes, 107 Common Gulls (highest day count since 2017), a Sandwich Tern and 363 Razorbill went south. Four Whooper Swans went high east over the South End with a Red-breasted Merganser also circling the South End. 

The first Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn was at Nant with a Firecrest at Nant, Cristin and in the Withies. A Collared Dove was new in with the long staying Great Spotted Woodpecker still around. Overhead nine Swallows, 11 'Alba' Wagtails and 23 Skylarks passed. Three Siskins were at Cristin with Chaffinch totalling 11 including six trapped. Five Redwings were at Nant and Cristin with two Merlins around the Narrows and 51 Choughs on Solfach. Other notable totals were a Ringed Plover, a Snipe, a Water Rail, three Sparrowhawks, 25 Robins, seven Chiffchaffs, 20 Goldcrests, 14 Blackcaps and three Rooks. The day ended with a Long-eared Owl leaving roost at Cristin. 

Yellow-browed Warbler © Ed Betteridge
Whooper Swan  © Ed Betteridge
Red-breasted Merganser © Ewan Turner

Redwing  © Ed Betteridge

Firecrest  © Jess Stuart-smith

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