Wednesday 2 October 2024

Easterly winds saw a Firecrest at Nant, a Water Rail in Cristin Withy, 14 Swallows and two House Martins through, 17 Common Scoters south and a Jackdaw at Tŷ Pellaf. After dark nine Redwing call were heard, the first of the autumn.

Other birds of note were two Buzzards, a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk, two Ringed Plovers, a Whimbrel, three Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Long-eared Owl, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four White Wagtails, two Wheatears, two Blackcaps, four Goldcrests, three Chiffchaffs, 22 Carrion Crows, three Rooks, a Starling, four Goldfinches and two Siskins

Firecrest © Ewan Turner
Skylark © Ed Betteridge

Jackdaw at Tŷ Pellaf © Kate Fox

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