Tuesday 1 October 2024

The month started on a better note to the end of September with a straight northerly winds. Out to sea, a Red-throated Diver, two Manx Shearwaters, 120 Common Scoters, an Arctic Skua, ten Mediterranean Gulls, five Common Gulls and nine Black-headed Gulls south. Overhead 58 Swallows, 18 Skylarks, a House Martin, two Snipe and a Grey Wagtail passed with a Red-breasted Merganser in the Wetlands before moving to Henllwyn, a Merlin hunting the Narrows, a Starling on Solfach and a Reed Bunting at Cristin. Other notable migrant totals were four Blackcaps, 21 Chiffchaffs, 15 Goldcrests and six Goldfinches. After dark two Long-eared Owls were seen hunting the Wetlands with a new male caught; a Short-eared Owl was also seen on the Narrows with a Skylark, a Purple Sandpiper, a Grey Heron, a Meadow Pipit, a Magpie and a Curlew trapped elsewhere.  

Red-breasted Merganser © Ed Betteridge

Four new pups today means we have now broken the record with 64 so far...© Ed Betteridge

Long-eared Owl © Ed Betteridge
Skylark © Ed Betteridge

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