Thursday, 1 September 2011

September started with a bang today, when a Western Bonelli's Warbler was discovered in the plantation at 7:30 this morning. After showing sporadically for an hour, it conveniently flew into one of the mist nets, and was ringed at the observatory shortly after. This represents the rarest bird of the year so far, with only six previous records on the island. 

The Wryneck was seen near Carreg Bach in the afternoon, and the highlights of passage migrants included a Swift, six Grey Wagtails, 18 White Wagtails, five Tree Pipits, a Reed Warbler and three Spotted Flycatchers. Four Sand Martin and 10 House Martins passed through during the day, and 800 Swallows roosted in Carreg reed bed overnight. Warbler counts for the day came to: seven Sedge Warblers, seven Whitethroats, two Garden Warblers, six Blackcaps, 20 Chiffchaffs, 11 Willow Warblers and eight Goldcrests.

Four Snipe, eight Sanderlings, a Golden Plover and four Dunlins were pick of waders, whilst out at sea, a Great Skua passed by with five Sandwich Terns. The only raptors present were a Sparrowhawk, a Buzzard and a Kestrel.

Bonelli's Warbler
A Swift and four Snipe passed overhead among other birds this morning

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