Another relatively calm, albeit drizzly day saw a good passage of pipits, finches and thrushes overhead, and a few oddities on land. A Wryneck was again present by the Limekiln, two Snow Buntings flew over the narrows, seven Ring Ouzels were scattered throughout the island's gardens, 21 Fieldfares were seen around Cristin, and the first Short-eared Owl and Barn Owl of the Autumn were seen in the lowlands. Passerine-migrant numbers gradually tallied up during the day too: nine Skylarks, nine House Martins, 203 Meadow Pipits, a Grey Wagtails, 11 Pied Wagtails, two Wheatears, 16 Blackbirds, five Song Thrushes, 84 Redwings, 230 Starlings, 231 Chaffinches, a Greenfinch, three Siskins, 58 Goldfinches and four Lesser Redpolls were seen. Three Wigeons made a brief respite in Solfach on the their way Southward in the afternoon, whilst a Grey Plover, a Golden Plover, four Lapwings and three Dunlins around the Narrows were also new arrivals.
The first Fieldfares of the Autumn were seen today
The Delicate; only the fourth record of this immigrant. The first Yellow-line Quakers of the year were also trapped.
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