Sunday, 16 October 2011

Despite a breezy Westerly persisting throughout the day, a few bits and pieces were seen on the island. At least 24 Short-eared Owls were seen on the mountain and South end during the day, whilst four Sparrowhawks, five Buzzards, two Kestrels and three Merlins were also hunting prey all over the island. Two Bullfinches were seen at Nant (first of the year), three Woodcocks were on the mountainside, a Water Rail and a Greater-spotted Woodpecker were seen in Ty Pellaf Withy, a Stock Dove was on the West side of the narrows, a Yellowhammer and a Snow Bunting flew overhead, and two Wrynecks were at Cristin and the Schoolhouse. A good passage of migrants passed overhead during the morning, and small numbers of thrushes and warblers were noted around the vegetated areas: 39 Skylarks, a Tree Pipit, 87 Meadow Pipits, three Grey Wagtails, six Wheatears, a Ring Ouzel, 28 Blackbirds, 13 Song Thrushes, 24 Redwings, 10 Blackcaps, 11 Chiffchaffs, 15 Goldcrests, two Coal Tits, four Great Tits, 137 Chaffinches, a Brambling, 49 Greenfinches, four Siskins, 29 Goldfinches and 24 Lesser Redpolls were seen. 
A Pomarine Skua, three Arctic Skuas and a Mediterranean Gull were among the gull flocks off the island in the afternoon.

As the rest of the country is crawling with mega eastern vagrants, we must remember that there are some stunning birds that breed here on Bardsey. Magpie for example!

Still, we had a minimum of 24 Short-eared Owls on the island today!

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