Monday, 12 December 2011

10th to 12th December

The weekend started on a quiet note on 10th, with very few notable species seen. A passage of 3700 Starlings in the early hours saw large flocks heading southward out at sea and over land; two Snipe were flushed from the wetlands and a Goldfinch flew over Traeth Ffynnon. After a bought of heavy downpours overnight, the 11th turned out to be quite a bright day with calm winds. A Great Northern Diver flew south with the usual Kittiwakes and auks in the morning, a Lesser Redpoll flew over the North end and a male Blackcap was seen at Ty Nesaf. Three Goldcrests, five Blue Tits and three Great Tits were also in the island’s gardens. A Fulmar flying South on the 12th was literally the only notable sighting of an extremely quiet day. A single Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Merlin were again present during this period, as was a Song Thrush in the lowlands. 

Three Whimbrels have been seen on and off around the island's coast over the last month or so, and look set to winter here
the Turnstone flock is up to around 48 individuals
a small Starling flock has been feeding on Solfach every day, and a single Pied Wagtail has taken up residence here too

1 comment:

  1. Diolch yn fawr Steve am dy ganiatad i godi rhai o'r cofnodion tywydd yn y capsiynau hyn ar gyfer ein gwefan Mae Prosiect Llên Natur yn ceisio casglu cofnodion tywydd o bob man a phob oes (yn enwedig cofnodion Cymraeg nad ydynt wedi eu cyhoeddi) a'u gosod gyfochrog a'i gilydd i greu adnodd ffenolegol a meteorolegol unigryw. Trwy fewnbynnu yn y blwch coch ar dudalen mi welwch nifer o gyfeiriadau at yr ynys (cewch wneud yr un peth efo .
