Monday, 2 July 2012

An extremely miserable day with strong winds and fine drizzle saw few birds of note on the island. A very smart Black-tailed Godwit was seen on the Narrows in the morning, accompanied by four Dunlins, a Turnstone and a Common Sandpiper. There were no obvious new arrivals in terms of passerines, although a Willow Warbler was seen in Cristin garden.

 Stonechats have done well this year, and a brood has recently fledged near Ty-Pellaf Withy
 Most pairs of Wheatears around the coast have also had young now
 The strong winds have seen a good passage of Manx Shearwaters past the north hide in recent days, with over 3000 seen on the 30th
Wren chick
Caloptilia stigmatella

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