It was another slightly better day in terms of birlife, although the weather remained miserable for the best part. Two Mediterranean Gulls were amongst the flock of Herring Gulls in Solfach mid-morning, and the Common Sandpiper total reached seven birds around the Narrows. A Teal on one of the pools on the Narrows was another arrival, although there were still no obvious passerine-migrants in the gardens and withies.
An adult and first-summer Mediterranean Gull were seen in Solfach at high tide
A few pairs of Sedge Warblers in the lowland areas continue to rear young
The first Drinker (top) and Yellowshells of the year have been trapped and seen in the last couple of days
Despite a great deal of effort being put into identifying the micro moths on the island in the last four years, there still seem to be ones appearing that have not yet been recorded on Bardsey. Blastodacna hellerella (upper) and Micropterix aruncella (lower) are both firsts for the island, although two of each have been seen in the last few days (this suggests that they have been present of the island before now)
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