Overhead passage was dominated by finches, although a good number of other species also flew over: 230 Skylarks, 18 Swallows, 260 Jackdaws, 525 Starlings, 308 Chaffinches, 15 Bramblings, 148 Greenfinches, seven Lesser Redpolls and a Crossbill. An increase in thrush numbers saw three Fieldfares, 42 Blackbirds, 26 Song Thrushes, nine Redwings and a Mistle Thrush, whilst nine Great Tits had also arrived.
Two Greater-spotted Woodpeckers - both females, but the upper bird having some crimson in its crown
Like a scene from Hitchcock's Birds - 260 Jackdaws descended on Carreg
Long-tailed Tit - 11 were ringed, some missed the nets!
Just two of the three Firecrests today - the upper male was ringed at Crsitin on Friday
Hen Harrier-only around the third of the year
Two Merlins were present...
As were two Sparrowhawks
The second Red Kite of the year (honest!)

Good numbers of Greenfinches were ringed at Cristin during the morning (top), as well as the first Long-tailed Tits since 2010 (left). 86 bird were ringed in just three net rounds in the morning (above)
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