Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The highlights of another good day of moderate easterly winds included a Long-eared Owl, two Short-eared Owls, a probable Wryneck, three Richard's Pipits and a Snow Bunting.

Common passerine-migrants recorded throughout the day both overhead and on land amounted to 25 Skylarks, 103 Meadow Pipits, a Wheatear, 101 Blackbirds, 16 Fieldfares, 63 Song Thrushes, 116 Redwings, two Mistle Thrushes, a Lesser Whitethroat, eight Blackcaps, 10 Chiffchaffs, 41 Goldcrests, 385 Jackdaws, 257 Chaffinches, nine Bramblings and three Reed Buntings. A Jack Snipe and two Woodcocks were flushed from the mountain, whilst 14 Mediterranean Gulls passed by at sea.

Two abietinus-type Chiffchaffs were seen today
Good numbers of Redwings and Blackbirds were seen during the day, with the latter seen in its highest numbers so far this year
A singe Buzzard drifted overhead, whilst four Merlins and three Sparrowhawks were also seen
Short-eared Owl

The second Dar Chestnut of the year (top), was trapped in the withies, along with the year's first Brick (middle) and a Red-green Carpet (bottom)

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