Sunday, 7 October 2012

The most noteworthy sightings of another clear and calm day came in the form of a Jack Snipe on the mountain, 19 Buzzards, a Greater-spotted Woodpecker, a Whinchat, a Coal Tit, a Lapland Bunting and two Snow Buntings.
Common migrants were seen in excellent numbers, with the first six Redwings of the autumn making an appearance along with 27 Blackbirds and 10 Song Thrushes in the gardens. A Grasshopper Warbler, two Garden Warblers, five Blackcaps, a Yellow-browed Warbler, 15 Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers and 102 Goldcrests represented warbler numbers from inland. Overhead passage during the comprised 44 Skylarks, a Swallow, 100 Meadow Pipits,  five Grey Wagtails, 340 Chaffinches, two Bramblings, 46 Greenfinches, a Siskin, 109 Goldfinches, three Lesser Redpolls and two Reed Buntings

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