Tuesday, 1 January 2013

1st January

It was a very windy start to 2013, although thankfully clear skies presided throughout the day. A movement of over 2000 auks took place in the morning, almost all of which were Razorbills. A Mediterranean Gull, seven Common Gulls and a steady stream of Kittiwakes also passed by. Six Snipe were flushed from the Lighthouse pond, whilst two Song Thrushes remained inland.

 Three Purple Sandpipers were present on the wave-battered rocks near Solfach


  1. Hello Ben,

    It would be great if you could keep an eye out for any of our leg-flagged Turnstones on Bardsey. We are leg-flagging Turnstones at Fleetwood Marine Lakes and they have a green colour ring on teh right tarsus, BTO metal on right tibia and black leg flag with two white letters on the left tibia. Any sightings can be reported to nwturnstones@gmail.com.



  2. Will do Seumus- I have never actually seen any leg-flagged Turnstones here, but will keep an eye out and let you know if its the appropriate combination
