Thursday, 25 April 2013

After a very grim start to the day, the cold mist cleared away at midday, and encouraged a modest movement of hirundines to take place. 230 Swallows passed North over the island in the afternoon, along with the first 12 Swifts of the year, 89 House Martins and three Sand Martins.
Warbler numbers had decreased enormously, although six Sedge Warblers, three Whitethroats, 112 Willow Warblers, 20 Chiffchaffs and 32 Blackcaps remained in the island’s gardens. 14 greenland-race Wheatears were present around the coast, along with seven Whimbrels, a Kestrel and 27 Dunlins.

 Some rather smart greenland-race Wheatears are present around the coast at the moment
 The first few Swifts of the year glided through
 Whitethroats are gradually increasing in numbers
 Meadow Pipits have started gathering material for their nests in the meadows and wetlands
Over 20 Dunlins were present in Solfach in the afternoon, with a further six seen flying over Nant

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