Saturday, 27 April 2013

It was another disappointing day bird-wise, with very little variety in terms of migrants species. Over 150 Wheatears were seen all over the coast in the morning, which then moved through the island during the rest of the day. A male Common Redstart was seen in Traeth Ffynnon, two Sandwich Terns fed off the West Side and two Grasshopper Warblers were present. Smaller numbers of warblers included two Whitethroats, five Sedge Warblers, whilst 67 phylloscs comprised mostly of Willow Warblers.

 Male Common Redstart
 Greenland-race Wheatear (upper) and O. oenanthe Wheatear (lower)
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 The Coal Tit from yesterday remained on the island, and found its way into the Heligoland Trap at Cristin mid-morning
Goldfinches continue to be in abundance on the island

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