Friday, 28 June 2013

A fairly dull and breezy day saw little in the way of migrants on the island. News emerged of a Black Guillemot from yesterday, which is the first of the year. A Whimbrel was seen around the Narrows at high tide, and 11 House Martins passed through.

 Oystercatchers are very noisy at the moment, screaming at any birds or people who happens to walk anywhere near their nests
 A total of 85 moths were in the Nant moth trap today, including a Map-winged Swift (lower), whilst the first Ruby Tiger of the year was caught at Cristin. The first three Yellowshells (top) of the year were seen above Ty Capel
 There are plenty of Argyresthia spinosella around on the Damson Bushes at the moment
This micro moth is one of many almost identical species of the genus Coleophora that are almost impossible to identify without either seeing the larval case or dissection of genitalia


  1. Love that Oystercatcher Ben well done and welcome back, please pass on my congrats' to the person who carried on the blog whilst you were away (I'm sorry I didn't catch their name/s).

  2. Thanks a lot Doug. Mark Cater (assistant warden) continued the blog whilst I was away, and he did do a fine job.
