Friday, 5 July 2013

5th July

A flat calm day with clear blue skies saw a few oddities scattered around. A flock of 10 Crossbills flew over the Plantation in the morning, only the second record of the year. Seven Swifts over the track were the first for some time, and a Grey Heron, two Black-headed Gulls and a Whimbrel around the Narrows were also noteworthy.

 There are plenty of Oystercatcher chicks around at the moment, keeping the adult birds busy chasing every single predator which happens to pass by.
 Grey Heron- the first for over a month
 Another Meadow Pipit on Foxglove plant

Some recent day-flying moths
 Micropterix aruncella. First discovered on Bardsey last year, this tiny species (2mm long) posses chewing mouthparts and eat the pollen of plants and trees 
 Celypha cespitana
Pempelia palumbella. Well camouflaged!