Saturday, 14 September 2013

With a fresh North wind, attention was turned sea-ward with rewards coming in the form of the year's first Brent Goose, the Autumn's first Red-throated Diver, six Great Skuas, five Arctic Skuas, a Little Gull and a Mediterranean Gull.

Further inland, a steady stream of Meadow Pipits and wagtails onto the Narrows amounted to over 130 of the former, and five Grey Wagtails, 35 Pied Wagtails and 30 White Wagtails. Flycatcher and warbler numbers from the island's gardens and Withies comprised four Whitethroats, five Blackcaps, 19 Chiffchaffs, 25 Willow Warblers and nine Spotted Flycatchers.

 This particular Greenland-race Wheatear was feeding well near Nant
 The new look for Greenland Wheatears!
Yet another brood of Swallows has emerged from the barns at Nant recently, and are being fed frantically by the parents


  1. Like the new look for the Wheatear, very handy for in-flight meal/snack :o) Love the swallow too.

  2. I run a blog for Smestow Valley LNR. I have started a nature network to protect our patches and coordinate wildlife surveys. Please could you email me at and I can send you more information. Regards, Chris Millward.
