Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A change in the wind direction to the north-west in the morning seemed to stimulate a small movement of wildfowl by the afternoon. This was highlighted by four Barnacle Geese, five White-fronted Geese (fist of the year) and a flock of 25 geese of unknown identity. A total of 26 Common Scoters also flew past, along with an Arctic Skua, two Great Skuas, a Mediterranean Gull and 3225 Kittwakes.

 The feeding flock of Choughs were busy feeding in Solfach at high tide, showing off their impressive aerial manoeuvrability when taking off and landing in the brisk westerly wind
 The first Lapwing for a while was seen on the Narrows- the white bits are sea foam
Two rather clever Grey Seal pups have taken the incentive to hall out on the Narrows, as opposed to the wave-battered coastline of Henllwyn

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