Friday, 4 October 2013

A significant deluge of rain occurred overnight, arriving some time after darkness fell yesterday evening. The result was a widespread grounding of migrants on the island, in particular Chiffchaffs. At least 200 Chiffchaffs moved through the island, with some small gardens, such as Ty Pellaf, having over 30 flitting around the apple trees and willows. There were a few slightly scarcer species amongst them, including three Firecrests (one of which was a cracking male trapped at Cristin), two Yellow-browed Warblers, a Pied Flycatcher, five Grasshopper Warblers, two Reed Warblers, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Garden Warbler.

A Water Rail somehow managed to find its way into the catching area of the Heligoland trap at the observatory overnight, and was caught in the early morning. Unfortunately, two were also fatally attracted to the lighthouse, whilst a further two live Water Rails were seen in the gorse on the South End.

 Chiffchaffs were all over the island today!
 Goldcrests were also seen in reasonable numbers today

Water Rail in the gloom of the morning (c) Steve Stansfield

The very nice male Firecrest (c) Steve Stansfield
Migrant lepidoptera for the day included three Vestals, six Rush Veneers (above) and a Rusty Dot Pearl, as well as a good number of Silver Ys

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