Monday, 14 July 2014

It has been a mixed couple of days in terms of the weather: calm winds and sunny skies prevailed throughout the 13th, whilst a low pressure front nudging in on the 14th brought strong southerly winds and a drizzly mist. The composition of avian species and numbers during this period did not, however, follow suite. Waders on show remained much the same: a single Dunlin on the 13th increased to four on the 14th; two Whimbrels were seen at high tide on the 13th, whilst 20 Curlews, six Redshanks, a Ringed Plover and two Common Sandpipers on the 14th was a higher count than the previous day. Two Little Owls were seen above Ty Pellaf on the evening of the 13th, and a good count of 5021 Manx Shearwaters was reached on the 14th. The recently emerged clutch of three Shelduck chicks in Solfach has already been reduced to zero after just two days.

Juvenile Choughs 
Juvenile Raven 
The two pairs of Peregrines on Bardsey have now fledged two chicks each. Interestingly enough, the second juvenile from the south pair (bottom two images) did not fledge until the 12th. That is a total of 10 days later than the first chick fledged from the nest! This is a rather bizarre record, considering such a large gap between the two young birds 
Graylings are present in reasonable numbers on the mountain ridge at the moment, with 16 recorded on the 13th

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