Thursday, 10 July 2014

The 9th was a somewhat breezier day, although saw some interesting new arrivals around the coast: a Greenshank on the west side of The Narrows in the early hours is just the second of the year, with figures for other waders amounting to: three Whimbrels, 13 Curlews, four Redshanks and five Common Sandpipers. A Water Rail seen briefly in Cristin Withy was an unusual sighting, whilst a Collared Dove and two Lesser Redpolls was noteworthy.

The 10th was a very busy day on the island, and the very calm conditions encouraged one or two notable species to make an appearance: a Snipe and Dunlin on the South End were new  arrivals, whilst the Curlew flock increased to over 30 birds. A flock of 26 Common Scoters flew past the South End, and a Grey Heron was also present.

Shags on the East Side continue to work hard raising their chicks, and some chicks have just fledged from one or two of the nests. A total of 79 Shags were recorded on the East Side today
The second broods of Swallow chicks have fledged in some places, whilst in others the adults have only just started on their second broods. This little gathering of gaping youngsters spent the day begging for food from a very hard-working adult Swallow
The wheezy sound of fledged Choughs can be heard all over the mountain at the moment, with a fantastic turn out in terms of productivity this year. Most pairs have fledged at least two juveniles, whilst others have as many as four 
The second brood of Pied Wagtail chicks fledged from the shop near Ty Pellaf today, and looked rather comical adorned with the odd tuft of down
In an attempt to sample some different habitats on the island, one of the Heath Traps was moved up onto an area of heath on the east side of the mountain. We will find out in the ensuing days what species are present there. A brief survey of the immediate area during the day lead to the discovery of this fine species: Caryocolum vicinella. This is a Nationally Scarce A species, which has never been recorded on Bardsey, and there are just one or two records in North Wales. This coastal species feeds on see-campion, which is present on the island

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