Monday, 29 September 2014

It was another great day on the island, with light winds and patchy cloud making for some excellent counts of common migrants, with the odd scarcity thrown into the mix. The highlight of the day for many was seeing a Yellow-browed Warbler, female Firecrest and Goldcrest in the hand all at once, after each of them had been trapped in various locations mid-morning (see below). The Hoopoe was seen at intervals during the day, but remained quite timid. The ringed Barred Warbler remained on the island for its eighth day, residing for the most part in the bramble bushes above Cristin. Another Richard's Pipit flew south over the island mid-morning, and was accompanied minutes later by a Lapland Bunting.

Other common migrants taking part in the morning 'vismig' movement comprised 130 Skylarks (the highest count of this species so far this year), 54 Swallows, six House Martins, 310 Meadow Pipits, seven 'flava' Wagtails, 26 Grey Wagtails, one White Wagtail, 58 Pied Wagtails, 31 Starlings, 110 Chaffinches, three Greenfinches, four Siskins, a Lesser Redpoll and six Reed Buntings.
Numbers of migrants on land amounted to: 51 Robins, a Whinchat, eight Wheatears, four Song Thrushes, two Lesser Whitethroats, three Garden Warblers, eight Blackcaps, 18 Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers and 27 Goldcrests.

Movements of seabirds out to sea included four Wigeons, a Teal, 70 Common Scoters, a Golden Plover, 10 Mediterranean Gulls, two Little Gulls, 1190 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, 1720 Kittiwakes and 456 Razorbills.

A rather nice trio: Firecrest, Goldcrest and Yellow-browed Warbler
female Firecrest
Yellow-browed Warbler-the first to be trapped and ringed so far this year
The first winter Barred Warbler continues to make use of the bounty of blackberries at Cristin


  1. HI Ben That first shots is marvellous. great to have the 3 birds in the same photos. Great to see the Barred Warbler. Never seen one.
