Wednesday, 22 October 2014

After yesterday's fierce winds, and with more on the horizon, it was nice to get some respite today. 

Highlights were once again out to sea with an early morning seawatch producing the goods; a Leach's Petrel,  two Pomarine Skuas, an Arctic Skua, and three Great Northern Divers. By far the biggest mover of the day were Razorbills with a massive 15,000 seen. In addition, 20 Gannets, three Mediterranean Gulls, 92 Black-headed Gulls, 1372 Kittiwakes, seven Common Gulls, one Manx Shearwater, and 12 Common Scoters flew by. Interestingly, two Merlin were also seen passing out to sea.

The semi-resident Ring Ouzel at Cristin was joined by another in the Wetlands. Other migrant passerines around the island include two Song thrushes, five Redwings, three Chiffchaffs, four Willow Warblers, 10 Goldcrests, 189 Starlings, one Greenfinch, two Siskins, and one Reed Bunting. The recent wader counts diminished slightly to 32 Oystercatchers, 14 Curlews, and three Redshanks, though three new Snipes were found in the Wetlands, along with two Water Rails and a Heron.

Though the moth trap hasn't been run recently due to the strong winds, a few interesting sightings have been seen. A Green Brindled Crescent found at Cristin represents the sixth record for the islands, whilst a Hummingbird Hawkmoth was found hiding away in the Cristin Pantry!

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Hummingbird Hawkmoth resting

.....and this is what the look like in flight!!

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