The day got off to a good start when three Woodcocks were seen in the observatory garden, all of them flushed from a small area at the end of one of the net rides. Two Short-eared Owls were also flushed from the vegetation on the side of the mountain becoming the second record for this season. As the morning began to brighten up the familiar "chuping" sound of Chaffinch flocks could be heard, 248 were counted today along with two Bramblings, two Greenfinches, two Lesser Redpolls, two Linnits and one Reed Bunting. A flock of 15 Skylarks continue to frequent some of the crop fields in the northwest corner and a single Snow Bunting was heard later on in the day just south of the observatory somewhere along the mountain side. The Whitethroat frequenting the withies is now the latest of its species to have been recorded on Bardsey. Another Yellow-browed Warbler was seen today in the Obs garden.
Thrush numbers were on the increase today with 30 Blackbirds, four Fieldfare, 14 Song Thrushes, 27 Redwings and 30 Robins recorded. A small influx of Stonechats was also noted with 12 individuals scattered across the islands fence lines. Starlings made an impressive appearance with a single flock of 800 working their way through the fields in the center of the island. A minimum of 100 Carrion Crows were seen and a single flock of 200 Jackdaws were present in the morning.
Butterfly numbers have dropped off over the past month, with the odd one or two being seen each week. One Red Admiral and three Painted Lady's were present today, this particular one deciding to catch a bit of warmth from the last rays of the setting sun.
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