Sunday, 7 December 2014

Another breezy day on the island saw temperatures drop to 3'C, and the brisk North wind encouraged a reasonable movement of birds out to sea: the highlight of the day came in the form of two Manx Shearwaters, which passed the North End amongst a movement of 1135 Guillemots. This is the latest ever record of this species on Bardsey- the previous latest departure date was on the 5th of December in 2004. Elsewhere on the island, singles of Mediterranean Gull, Gannet, Whimbrel and Hooded Crow were noted, along with a Chiffchaff, a Greenfinch and a Goldfinch in Ty Pellaf garden.

There was a good gathering of 30 Choughs on Solfach during the day, although the high tides meant that some of the large piles of seaweed were washed out to sea

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