A thick fog enveloped the island from dawn onwards today. While at some times of year that might be the precursor for a stunning arrival of migrants, today it just meant what few birds were around were even harder to see than usual! The only likely migrants on land were five Collared Doves at Nant, and one each of Spotted Flycatcher at Ty Pellaf and Willow Warbler at the Plantation, while a very small overhead passage of 37 Swallows, eight House Martins and a single Sand Martin was logged.
Just four Turnstones, thre Whimbrels and two Curlews were on the Narrows, alongside a decent high-tide concentration of 155 Herring Gulls. The impenetrable mist ensured little of note was logged on the sea, but in a short period when it lifted 99 Manx Shearwaters passed through the West Coast.
It also seems like, after an interminably long time waiting, the Moth season is getting underway. We've only been getting regular species, but yesterday produced 13 moths of ten species, with 16 of eight species today. I know plenty of you trapping on the mainland would baulk at such paltry totals, but for us that's a considerable improvement on the spring so far! Shears and Small Square-spot are currently turning up with the most regularity, while highlights have included a very fresh Green Carpet (First of the year) and a White Ermine yesterday. A Vapourer Caterpillar was also seen in the garden, while seven Small Coppers were making the most of the brief periods of sunshine!
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