Another clear and sunny day today, with occasional strong
gusts whipping across the island from the East. The winds saw a few birds pass
by out to sea, seven Fulmars and 118 Manx Shearwaters were probably resident
birds, but migrants included ten Gannets and a Pomarine Skua.
A Merlin was seen along the West Coast, whereas highlights
on the wader front were eight Purple Sandpipers, a Dunlin, two Snipes, 15
Whimbrels, two Curlews and three Common Sandpipers.
Following last week’s record, we only had our second Swift
of the year today. However, moving in far larger number were hirundines with 34
Sand Martins, 516 Swallows and 18 House Martins logged! Vismigging also
produced a handful of other birds of which four Tree Pipits and a Blue-headed
Wagtail were the highlights.
Solfach was busy again, and feeding among the resident Rock
Pipits and Pied Wagtails were four White Wagtails. Chats were also about today,
a Whinchat, ten Stonechats and 49 Wheatears were logged.
Warblers were represented in good number and diversity
today, some three Grasshopper Warblers, 24 Sedge Warblers, one Lesser
Whitethroat, two Whitethroats, four Blackcaps, eight Chiffchaffs, 18 Willow
Warblers and two Goldcrests were seen today. Finally, some finch passage
resulted in five Siskins and 30 Lesser Redpolls being recorded.
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