Another pretty good day, with a nice scattering of species around. A good selection of grounded migrants included a few island scarcities, with singles of Cuckoo and Yellowhammer in the lowlands, Blue-headed Wagtail on the Narrows and Great Tit at Ty Pellaf. A small arrival of the commoner migrants featured seven Spotted Flycatchers, six Chiffchaffs, five Willow Warblers, five Whitethroats and 3 Blackcaps, with the phylloscs in particular filtering through the island quite quickly. A modest overhead passage included 60 Swallows and 15 House Martins, but a good count of 13 Swifts (any double figure count is quite good here nowadays, and after 42 on the 5th this is the second best count of the year). Also logged overhead were seven Lesser Redpolls and four Siskins, and a Little Egret passed low along the west coast at dawn, the fourth sighting of the year for this increasingly regular species.
On the sea, nine Common Scoter north early morning were the first in 12 days, while 1543 Manx Shearwaters were moving about, but precious little else. Most of the regular seabirds barely broke double figures if you exclude counts from the colonies on the East Side. Eight Harbour Porpoise were offshore though.
On the Narrows seven Turnstones, two Whimbrels and singles of Curlew, Dunlin and Sanderling were all that could be mustered up, but a few pairs of Wheatear have successfully fledged young here. Another decent selection of migrant insects were headlined by two Red-veined Darters, with a good supporting cast of ten each of Silver Y and Red Admiral, eight Painted Ladies and two Rush Veneers. Two Ruby-tailed Wasps were also seen on the North End.
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