A few new arrivals today, the most notable of which was a single Flava Wagtail heading south mid-afternoon. Three Collared Doves and a Lesser Redpoll that roamed the island, and at least 30 Starling in the Ty Nesaf/Carreg area, were also new in. Also typical fare amongst the very earliest of return migrants were seven Curlews, one Whimbrel and two Redshanks on the Narrows.
A late sighting of note was a Little Egret reported to us by day visitors.
For Insects, it was an excellent day. A total of 26 Six-spot Burnets were counted, mostly on the North End, which also held a Painted Lady. Other butterflies of note included a Small Tortoiseshell, a Speckled Wood and six Red Admirals. The obvious highlight in the Obs moth trap was the island's first record of Marbled White-spot, with the first True Lover's Knots and Purple Clays of the season also being seen.
Another probable first for the island was an Early Bumblebee (Bombus praetorum), at Loft Carreg today. Not a species predicted as likely to show up either! Heath Bumblebees were only confirmed present on the island this year, to our knowledge, as well, but a CBC on the Mountainside revealed them to be rather common, with at least 21 seen while counting the almost infinite Wren territories (92 singing males just on the Mountain on this, the final visit of the season).
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