Thursday, 8 June 2017

Another wild and stormy day, with most eyes out to sea and visitors scoring the most interesting birds of the day. One of our guests at the Obs pulled out the obvious bird of the day, a fine Storm Petrel moving south past the North End. Despite being regularly trapped during concerted ringing efforts at night, this tiny waif is seldom seen by seawatchers of Bardsey, so this constitutes an excellent record. Seawatching also produced 2099 Manx Shearwaters, 119 Gannets and a single Puffin, though little else of note.

Meanwhile, visitors staying in one of the Bardsey Island Trust houses reported a Bar-tailed Godwit at the North End in the evening, the days other unusual sighting. Also on the wader front the Common Sandpiper was in Solfach for its second day, and four Whimbrels, two Curlews and two Turnstones were seen. The only passerine migrant seen was a single Willow Warbler in the garden at Cristin.

The breeding season is now well underway, with several species on their second broods. Dunnocks behind the toilets are taking food to their second brood of the season, while the front garden Moorhens had three very small chicks.

On a rainy and windy day, very little of note was seen among the few insects that braved the conditions.

One great success of late has been the recovery of the first GPS tag deployed on a Manx Shearwater, as part of Ben Porter's (the old author of this blog, before he went off the island to Uni) master's project. During the days this Manxie was out of it's burrow foraging (while it's mate took its turn incubating their egg), it travelled as far as the south-eastern shore of the Isle of Man! We hope for more fascinating insights into the lives of our Shearwaters as the season progresses. Below is a visual reproduction of the journey this Shearwater made.

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