Wednesday, 5 July 2017

It felt more like birds were on the move today, with a few new arrivals to be seen. Most notable amongst these was a far higher diversity of waders than of late; 11 Curlews, three Whimbrels, two Redshanks and the first Turnstone and Dunlin of return passage, alongside the day's highlight, a brick-red Black-tailed Godwit in the North-west Fields briefly, in the late afternoon before moving on south.

A single Black-headed Gull moved through heading north, and a Sandwich Tern was offshore, while overhead a Sand Martin went north and six Swifts headed south. On the land Starlings had increased to 25, and a single Collared Dove was around Carreg. The day's other highlight was a Storm Petrel responding to tape in a burrow in Nant Valley.

A warm and sunny day saw plenty of insects on the wing, including 205 Green-veined Whites, 57 Six-spot Burnets and 45 Garden Bumblebees. Six Red Admirals, three Small Tortoisheshells, two Painted Ladies and two Speckled Woods were also seen. Highlights from a fairly quiet moth trap included five Scarce Footmen, a Dark Sword Grass and a Triple-spotted Clay.
Manx Shearwater © Ben Porter;

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