Saturday, 22 July 2017

It seemed with favourable winds migrants made their way through the island today with, early passage of quite a few species recorded.

Out at sea a good selection passed by the West Coast and South End keeping eager eyes entertained. A total of four Fulmars, 685 Manx Shearwaters, 67 Gannets, 64 Common Scoters, eight Sanderlings and a Black Guillemot were logged today, with the latter being the first record for the autumn!

More good news came in the afternoon when our resident pair of Peregrines eventually fledged a single juvenile, which is nice to see after last year’s failure.

As has become customary the daily check of Solfach and Henllwyn produced a good haul of Waders, the first returning three Purple Sandpipers highlighted todays sightings, however a further six Dunlins, three Whimbrels, 31 Curlews, seven Redshanks, five Common Sandpipers and seven Turnstones didn’t go unnoticed!

Two more Swifts made their way through the island along with an early passage of hirundines, three Sand Martins, 70 Swallows and 19 House Martins were logged, presumably failed breeders heading back to their wintering grounds.

Stonechat (

Another highlight inland was a Great Spotted Woodpecker in Cristin Withy, this is probably the same individual from a few days back and from back at the start of July. We also recorded our first migrant Wheatear among the 12 recorded today. Warblers also saw some passage today with one Blackcap, two Chiffchaffs, 17 Willow Warblers and a Goldcrest logged.

Juv. Wheatear on the Narrows (

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