Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Strong south-westerlies were blowing throughout the day today, generally a death knell for any hopes of good birding on Bardsey! A few bits of interest were noted passing out to sea, chief amongst the more unusual species being two Grey Phalaropes and three Brent Geese off the North End. The biggest movers were 532 Razorbills, 256 Kittiwakes, 192 Black-headed Gulls and 73 Gannets, while 22 Mediterranean Gulls was another good day count. Four Arctic Skuas and four Great Skuas passed offshore, with five Guillemots picked out amongst the Razorbills, and just 12 Manx Shearwaters on the move today! Two Golden Plovers off the South End were the only other seawatching sighting of note.

Other waders were few in number, though Curlews had increased to 61 and Turnstones to 35. One Whimbrel was still around, a Snipe was flushed in the Wetlands and two Purple Sandpipers on the Narrows were new in. Sightings of landbirds were precious few today, with the most notable being lingering singles of Great Spotted Woodpecker and Blue Tit. A Merlin was on the South End, while in general passerine migrants were few and far between, with the exception of 68 Goldcrests, which seem to be common around Nant whatever the weather! 31 Goldfinches, three Lesser Redpolls, nine Stonechats, five Chiffchaffs and single sightings of Blackcap, Song Thrush, Siskin and Reed Bunting is about as entertaining as it got otherwise!

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