A calm spell, sometimes rare around this time of year, allowed for a few mist nets to be opened in the observatory garden this morning. Although ringing was fairly quiet, small numbers of migrants were recorded throughout the day including an extremely bizarre record to follow...
Small numbers of finches were still moving through, namely Chaffinches of which 23 were recorded, but with them were also two Bramblings, and singles of Greenfinch, Siskin, Goldfinch and also three Skylarks passing overhead. Reasonable numbers of thrushes were also noted, mostly around the gardens. A Mistle Thrush, possibly the same individual seen recently was rattling around the Observatory garden along with a female Great Spotted Woodpecker, whilst 14 Blackbirds, two Fieldfares, seven Song Thrushes and two Redwings were also present. A total of 36 Woodpigeons were present, whilst an immature female Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, a Little Owl, a couple of Meadow Pipits and Goldcrests played supporting cast.
Very smart adult male Chaffinch ringed this morning |
This little Goldcrest was ringed this year on the 25th of October in the observatory garden and re trapped this morning , keeping a steady weight of 5.2 grams which was its weighed when first trapped |
Perhaps the most unusual record was that of an extremely late Corncrake discovered at Carreg Bach, one of the small houses on the island. Attention was drawn to a small gathering of seemingly adgetated Wrens and Dunnoks along a stonewall and fence line bordering the house. On closer inspection nothing seemed out of the ordinary until a Corncrake burst out of the long grass, taking flight and heading south along the side of the mountain before diving into cover again. It’s streaky mantle, short gingery upper wings and small stout bill visible in flight. The individual was tracked down again and was briefly seen stealthily winding its way through dead strands of bracken before taking flight again and disappearing into dense gorse. A rare sighting in Wales, even more so given the time of year.
A good contender for worst record shot |
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