Thursday, 24 May 2018

It was a bit of a typical May day today, the light cloud cover saw a few new migrants arrive in, but there were no real large numbers to be seen, instead it felt rare.

A small group of Waders on the Narrows contained a decent variety with two Sanderlings, seven Dunlins and eight Turnstones, also on and around the rocks were two Whimbrels and two Curlews. Overhead, a small number of hirundines made their way through with 79 Swallows and 29 House Martins logged also noted were two Swifts. A Black Redstart was the only unusual bird noted today, but a good scattering of other migrants made from pleasant birding today. Warbler totals consisted of five Sedge Warblers, one Reed Warbler, one Whitethroat, five Blackcaps, 13 Chiffchaffs and four Willow Warblers. Also logged today were a respectable 12 Spotted Flycatchers and two Lesser Redpolls.

Spotted Flycatcher have been moving through at a reasonable pace with double figures recorded for the past few days, May often sees a steady trickle of this charismatic and heavily declining species

Sedge Warbler

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