A dramatic change in the weather today, after endless weeks
of scorching sunshine the island was graced with its first proper rain in
almost two months! The rainfall coincided with a small increase in Waders on
the Narrows today. Some two Dunlins, one Ringed Plover, four Curlews, eight
Redshanks and one Common Sandpiper were recorded. Meanwhile, the highlight
inland today was a juvenile Cuckoo, though relatively mature, the bird seemed
happy to site on the walls begging to the Swallows which flew overhead
occasionally diving down to mob the bird. A Swift was noted overhead, as were
18 Swallows. A Robin in the Withies was the first record of the species this
week, whilst migrant warblers totalled one Whitethroat, one Blackcap, six Chiffchaffs
and eight Willow Warblers.
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