Thursday, 9 August 2018

It was another nice sunny day today, this in turn saw a small increase in passerine migrants. Out to sea things were a little quieter a Sooty Shearwater was the highlight of today’s efforts. Along with the three Kestrels seen today was a Merlin, the first of the autumn. More action on the narrows consisted of four Ringed Plovers, one Purple Sandpiper, four Dunlins, two Whimbrels, 11 Curlews, 12 Redshanks, three Common Sandpipers and 37 Turnstones.

A single Skylark was noted on the Narrows, overhead passage saw 87 Swallows, 46 House Martins and one ‘Flava’ Wagtail pass through the island. A Song Thrush was once again present an early thrush migrant, just one Whitethroat was reported today, but Willow Warblers saw a rise to 57 birds along with a single Spotted Flycatcher.


The Waders on Solfach, as usual have been incredibly obliging coming down to a couple of feet at times, theres plenty of food for them to find for this Ringed Plover as hundreds of sand-hoppers deck the beach

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