Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sunny skies and minimal wind today meant that ringing was a possibility in the morning. Josie went up to Nant to open up the nets and caught a few juvenile birds including Blackbirds, Chaffinches and Wrens. As well as those caught a cuckoo was once again seen flying in and around the Plantation, once again it appeared to be a male though.

In the afternoon, some of the team went over to the East Side in order to do nest counts and ring some Shag and Herring Gull chicks. 12 Shag chicks were ringed which is not bad going as many of the nests are inaccessible. The Herring Gulls tend to nest on the flatter rocks close to the sea and ringing the chicks is simply a matter of finding them hunkered down under a rock and putting a ring on their leg, often without picking them up.
Shag nest with young chicks

Adult Shag on East Side

Razorbill on East Side

It was Rhys's (the Trust warden) birthday today, and so the residents and volunteers on Bardsey all gathered for a party. It turned out to be a perfect evening to sit outside Ty Bach and watch the sun go down.

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