Monday, 10 June 2019

The weather today was to be the best of the week to come, the sun was out and for most of the day with wind was down in the low teens from the north.

Due to the weather and the weather to come this week the opportunity was taken to go round the east side of the mountain to ring sea birds, namely Choughs, Shags and Razorbills. One brood of shags and Choughs were ringed but the Razorbills held the number with 114 birds ringed including some adults caught in the rocks. This involved climbing down to an area called seal cave where large boulders have formed lots of crevices, perfect for nesting Razorbills. The nests are normally fairly obvious with large amounts of  excrement in the area and the little chicks squealing away from the cracks, this, however, does not mean they are easy to get to! So, the vast majority of the day was spent sprawling ourselves across the rocks looking in every crack and crevice before reaching your hand in, often up to your shoulder, to either pull out a cute fluffy ball of a Razorbill chick or to get savagely mauled by the adults! All good fun...

In other news around the island, a Black-headed Gull spent the day again, Shelduck chicks were seen in Solfach which must be a new brood, and a Spotted Flycatcher was trapped and ringed at the observatory.

Adult Razorbill

A very young Razorbill

A not so young Razorbill

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