Wednesday, 10 July 2019

A bit of a southerly breeze today but there were signs of movement on the bird front. Between Carreg yr Honwy and South End there were ten Redshanks. A walk up to North End saw great views of 50+ Gannets diving for food with second calendar year birds and older all present.
Northern Gannet - Britains largest breeding Seabird, these birds don't breed on Bardsey but their breeding range around the UK seems to be ever expanding. Photo: Lewis Hooper
Meadow Pipits continue to display all over the island, numbers seem to be less this year but there are still plenty of territories, seemingly most dense at the north end of the mountain than in the fields. One species that has been doing well this year is the Stonechat, with plenty of juveniles fledging everywhere but South End.
Male Stonechat. Photo: Lewis Hooper
Birds around: six Curlews, three Whimbrels, 24 Kittiwakes, four House Martins, 14 Wheatears, seven Choughs

During a nighttime Manx Shearwater ringing session 120 new birds were ringed and 40 re-traps were recorded, several of which were ringed in the 90s.

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