Far calmer today, and the wind direction had changed to a north-westerly. Seawatching took place throughout the morning and was highly productive, with a record count of 1298 Arctic Terns! Today's highlights were four Roseate Terns, one Little Tern, five Black Terns, one Long-tailed Skua, two Pomerine Skuas and a Sooty Shearwater. 2824 Kittiwakes, 777 Gannets, 1323 Manx Shearwaters, 173 Sandwich Terns, ten Arctic Skuas, four Great Skuas, 51 Razorbills, 58 Fulmars, 22 Common Scoters, 12 Purple Sandpipers and five Turnstones made up the rest of the totals. North-westerlies often produce good seawatching in Autumn, and even though the wind wasn't strong today, it seems a lot more seabirds were using the winds to there advantage.

Because of the high tern counts, George and Alex set a net up on the Narrows in the hopes that one or some might be caught in the evening. Unfortunately, it turned out to be too windy to attempt today, but hopefully soon it will be put to good use.
Totals today include: one Sanderling, 12 Purple Sandpipers, three Dunlins, five Whimbrels, 56 Curlews, four Redshanks, one Swift, three Sand Martins, 42 Stonechats, three Blackcaps, 12 Willow Warblers and 74 Linnets.
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