Sunday, 27 September 2020

The weather calmed down and brightened up today, it was sunny until the late evening, with a gentle northerly giving a cool, autumnal feel. On stepping out of the Obs in the early morning a Water Rail was heard calling from within the Withies, a Little Egret then flew across the Narrows where seven Starlings were also seen, nice birds to start the day with. The second consecutive day a Water Rail has been present.

Small numbers of Wigeon pass through Bardsey at this time of year, this one was
in the Lowlands

Waders today include, four Ringed Plovers, one Dunlin, 11 Curlews, four Redshanks and 12 Turnstones. Quieter than recent days, with birds seemingly passing through the island each day. 

There were more Skylarks passing overhead today, not huge numbers but 32 were counted throughout the morning. Siskins and Grey Wagtails were also heard flying south, other migrants include 83 Swallows and 151 Meadow Pipits

A brief seawatch from the South End yielded two Arctic Skuas that were chasing Kittiwakes. A Great Skua was also chasing passing Kittiwakes (24 recorded), not much else was seen, besides 41 Razorbills and seven Common Scoters.

A Reed Bunting was seen at Ty Pellaf in the early evening and the nets were opened and the bird was caught, the first Reed Bunting caught here in four years! also caught were Lesser Redpolls, one of which was a rather pale individual.

The rather pale Redpoll caught at the farm today

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