We were met with blue skies in the morning which went on to last all day. There was a cool, 15mph northerly that kept the temperature down, though. It was nice to have a good sunrise over the mountain on our first morning back to the island.
Meadow Pipits were in good supply, a total of 97 was recorded across the island. A Song Thrush was singing in the garden first thing in the morning, and three were recorded during the day.
Down in the Wetlands, Stuart was recording Snipes, an impressive total of 31 was counted, there was also a Jack Snipe, a good bird to see, they are expected at this time of year. They are easily picked out by their different behaviour, often flushed without calling and landing soon after, unlike Snipe which 'bark' when flushed and continue to fly out of sight. A flock of 83 Starlings was roaming about in the lowlands throughout the day, and a Reed Bunting was seen in the withies.
An attempt was made to catch some Snipes in the afternoon, it turned out to be successful, one Snipe was caught and a Jack Snipe narrowly avoided the net.
The Chough pairs west of the mountain were monitored today, the West Coast and South End pairs remained the same as last year but there has been a change for the Pen Cristin pair which has bred together for six years. The female has disappeared and the male has paired with an unringed bird. Quite sad, considering the female has bred at this site since 2006.
Birds today: 25 Guillemots, one Little Owl, one Skylark, 97 Meadow Pipits, 11 Rock Pipits, three Robins, seven Stonechats, 10 Blackbirds, three Song Thrushes, four Chiffchaffs, 10 Goldcrests, 11 Jackdaws, 83 Starlings, one Chaffinch, two Goldfinches,
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