Saturday, 1 May 2021

A calm morning allowed the mist nets to be opened across the island. Stuart was down in the Withies early and after 3 hours a total of 23 new Sedge Warblers had been ringed with only 11 birds of other species including Blackcaps and Willow Warblers. At Cristin, Sam ringed six Sedge Warblers, two Whitethroats and 12 Blackcaps.

Singing Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler

It was surprisingly quiet at Nant and it was obvious that the majority of the Sedge Warblers were passing through the Withies and Wetlands in the centre of the island. It was changeover day and so the rest of the morning was spent cleaning the Observatory ready for our new guests. 

With a lower high tide there are more areas for waders to feed and so Solfach was not as busy as last week. Sam recorded three Sanderlings in the afternoon along with nine Dunlins and a Ringed Plover. Other birds of note were a Lapwing flying along the West Coast at 6am and a male Reed Bunting by Carreg Bach, which was only just starting to show its distinctive black head.

Birds today: One Ringed Plover, three Sanderlings, nine Dunlins, one Lapwing, 19 Whimbrels, one Curlew, two Turnstones, one Sand Martin, 27 Swallows, four White Wagtails, 36 Sedge Warblers, six Whitethroats, 20 Blackcaps, eight Chiffchaffs, 17 Willow Warblers, one Chaffinch, three Siskins, 11 Goldfinches, seven Lesser Redpoll, one Reed Bunting

Ringing totals: Withies: Sedge Warbler 23 (1), Blackcaps 3, Goldfinch 1, Lesser Redpoll 1, Willow Warbler 5, Chiffchaff 1

Cristin: Sedge Warbler 6, Blackcap 12, Whitethroat 2 Goldfinch 2, Willow Warbler 4, Chiffchaff 1, Blackbird (1)

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