Slightly breezy today from the south, with the slightest amount of rain at points. It was nice weather for birding though, made better by the fact that the Woodchat Shrike had stuck around for a second day.
The day really started early for Sam and Stuart who were out dazzling and ringing a few Manx Shearwaters. There were a few waders on Solfach, but it was a male Ringed Plover that was caught. Quite a beauty it was, too.
The birdlife was fairly quiet, besides the shrike which was sticking to the fields in front of the obs. Amongst others, the migrant highlights included Spotted Flycatchers and a Common Gull which briefly flew across Solfach. Also on Solfach were 32 Turnstones which is the highest total there has been since the 26th of March! In other wader news, the Oystercatchers are nearly all on eggs, so it will be time to count the pairs and nests early next week.
In the afternoon Stuart felt suddenly inclined to build (or rebuild) the bug hotel at the obs, so he, Megan and Sam began gathering materials to use in the construction. It is now an absolute thing of beauty!
Ringing Totals: Blackcap 2, Manx Shearwater 13 (12), Ringed Plover 1.
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