Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Today started overcast with light rain starting in the late afternoon. There was a 20mph wind from the East which put a stop to the Manx Shearwater census with only one of the 100m squares completed. Most of the waders have now moved on with only one Dunlin, two Curlews and one Turnstone

Dunlin on Solfach

There was a small trickle of migrants moving through the island today with a single Sand Martin, one Spotted Flycatcher, six Swifts, 34 Swallows and 23 House Martins. A first summer male Common Rosefinch was seen briefly in the Observatory Garden before continuing North.

It was also a good day for invertebrates. Butterflies seen included Small White, Green-veined White, Small Copper, Common Blue, Red Admiral and Painted Lady. The first big Moth catch of the year occurred overnight with 50 individuals of 20 species. These included the Bardsey rarity of Least Black Arches as well as Heart and Dart, Brown Rustic, Marbled Coronet and Map-wing Swift.

Birds today: four Gannets, one Grey Heron, one Kestrel, one Dunlin, two Curlews, one Turnstone, two Cuckoos, six Swifts, one Sand Martin, 34 Swallows, 23 House Martins, nine Sedge Warblers, two Whitethroats, four Chiffchaffs, four Willow Warblers, one Spotted Flycatcher, ten Siskins, six Goldfinches, 14 Linnets, one Common Rosefinch

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